August 2014
Ten years ago, while healing from a severe hiking accident, I began giving voice to a book The heartist’s Secret: A Memoir (now available through I wish I had posted earlier WHAT IS ART, a kind of manifesto; here it is now.
Art is my heart speaking
Art is celebrating the beauty of creation
Art is mourning what is being lost
Art is speaking for the ones who cannot speak
Art is listening for the voice of silence
Art is living my truth
Art is opening my heart
Art is capturing the moment's potency
Art is digging for verity
Art is connecting the dots
Art is breaking things apart
Art is writing the new story
Art is stirring the pot
Art is touching people's hearts
Art is facing things as they are
Art is posing questions no one dares ask
Art is remembering the question
Art is simplifying complexity
Art is rejoicing in diversity
Art is stepping in and... stepping out
Art is challenging my heart
Art is linking arms
Art is seeing relationship
Art is sensing the sacred
Art is igniting a spark
Art is gathering smiles
Art is looking through your eyes
Art is touching people's hearts
Art is wearing lenses of compassion
Art is having the courage to say No
Art is closing doors, opening more
Art is planting seeds of Beauty
Art is unfolding the Great Mystery
Art is inspiring more art
Art is hearing the call of the heart
Art is imagining what is possible
Art is re-envisioning relationships
Art is seeking my own voice
Art is leaping without looking
Art is acting in sympathy
Art is weaving the web of Oneness
Art is touching people's hearts
Art is stopping for a while
Art is flowing into aliveness
Art is understanding responsibility
Art is accepting what cannot be changed
Art is making the invisible visible
Art is walking in people's shoes
Art is challenging my heart
Art is leaving the ivory tower
Art is building an interior castle
Art is going down to the street
Art is speaking for the river
Art is engaging community
Art is revolutionizing the heart
Art is touching people's hearts
Art is healing life
Art is treading a timeless path
Art is questing on a path not yet drawn
Art is walking the field of “I'll meet you there”
Art is practicing the aesthetics of every day
Art is turning life into a work of art
Art is hearing the call of the heart
Art is looking into Life's face
Art is reweaving the broken threads
Art is sowing seeds for a future
Art is knowing the world
Art is serving the Earth
Art is learning from Her intelligence
Art is listening to Her heart
Art is falling for things and beings
Art is letting them call
Art is jumping on board
Art is seeing big, starting small
Art is making it simple
Art is stepping one foot at a time
Art is touching people's hearts
Art is penetrating density
Art is initiating bold acts
Art is making lines of all kinds
Art is finding patterns that match
Art is bringing rituals into being
Art is choreographing a new dance
Art is minding the universal heart
Art is hastening slowly
Art is discovering “inner necessity”
Art is riding the wave of change
Art is showing up in myriad ways
Art is turning magician
Art is hearing with the whole being
Art is challenging my heart
Art is reinventing what has been forgotten
Art is manifesting what is missing
Art is making stuff up
Art is stirring the pot
Art is playing
Art is praying
Art is fulfilling destiny
Art is a verb
Thou art
I am
© Dominique Mazeaud, August 2014